(Important update) New phone system functionality

Please note that customers who have an active booking with us, now get a message when they call our main line: “You have currently an active taxi booking. Your car has arrived (or) Your car is on the way) Press 1 to speak to the driver, press 2 speak to the agent”

You will receive customer calls from 03301744857. Perhaps save it as: “Carrot Cars Customers” Please, please, please, remember the good phone manners. Answer the call: “Good morning/afternoon/evening, Carrot Cars driver (your name) speaking, how can I help you?”

When you call now to the office, while you are on the active booking, then you will hear: “Hello (Your name), you have currently an active booking. Press 1 for pick up 1 (this means the customer of your app’s 1st pick up), and press 2 to speak to an agent.” If you use this system then you don’t ever again have to worry about the international numbers as we will pay for the calls!